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Nonunion or Bone defect
Dong Hoon Lee
Nonunion or Bone Defect
Bone lengthening involves the process of making new bone.
Sometimes, permanent failure of bone healing (nonunion) or emptiness of partial bone (bone defect) may occur. Nonunion also can occur in deformity correction.
There are host-related factors and iatrogenic factors that can explain nonunion. Host-related factors include smoking habits, the use of drugs such as steroids, chronic diseases like diabetes, radiation therapy history, weak soft tissue and more. These are proved risk factors that disturb bone formation. If you are planning on limb lengthening and deformity correction, you should quit smoking and check your medication history with our medical team. Diabetes is a common cause of nonunion and infection, so careful monitoring of glucose control is essential during the treatment period.
There may also be iatrogenic factors, such as the way soft tissue is handled during surgery, the surgeon’s osteotomy technique, and the way the bone is fixed.
Get treatment from a professional, experienced surgeon from the beginning. Dr. Donghoon Lee has 0% nonunion rates in limb lengthening and deformity correction. Even in cases of deformity correction after severe trauma and osteotomy in patients with underlying diseases, he has absolute success rates in terms of union.
If you have nonunion or bone defects, please visit Donghoon Advanced Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Institute.
There is no case of nonunion or bone defect that we cannot treat.
Donghoon Advanced Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Institute can provide the most accurate analysis and appropriate treatment plans, regardless of complexity of deformity.
Treating bone defect after lengthening at other hospital
Treating nonunion after lengthening at other hospital
Treated nonunion after Stature Lengthening at other hospital
Treated the patient who had nonunion over one year after Stature Lengthening at other hospital
Treated leg deformity and nonunion after Stature Lengthening at other hospital