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Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center Overview
Donghoon Advanced Lengthening Reconstruction Institute is managing specialized physical therapy & rehabilitation center with exceptional treatment for the fast recovery.
양측 허벅지 프리사이스 수술 후 3개월 2주 6Cm
종아리4cm 연장 중
무릎 관절염수술 후 2주일
Manual Physical Therapy
The field of ‘Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction’ is the area which the length of bone is lengthened and deformity of bone is corrected. In this field, the phenomenon of joints becoming stiff and muscles weakening severely appears during the treatment. Physical therapy treatment can enhance and increase the functional recovery and prevent complications through 1:1 personal physical therapist’s systematic care.
One of the most important factors to gain best results in osteotomy including limb lengthening surgery is rehabilitation.
Donghoon Advanced Lengthening Reconstruction Institute’s rehabilitation facility and professional team are introducing and providing a world class treatment service not only in the field of limb lengthening and deformity correction, but in general orthopedic post-operative, post-traumatic, etc. as well.
We provide enhanced medical service in rehabilitation after surgery with the most advanced aquatic therapy machine which is used by renowned worldwide professional sports teams to rehabilitate athletes
Domestic and International Sports Team using SwimEx
SwimEx give excellent results in rehabilitation and shortening the recovery period after surgery
candidates for treatment – Chronic pain of vertebrae. joint / Unbalance posture and body due to the incorrect postures / Post-operative care / Strengthening weakened muscle and ligament
We have 1:1 customized program using the Schroth Method (Germany) specialized to treat ‘Functional Scoliosis’