이동훈연세정형외과는 팔, 다리의 길이/모양/기능을 개선하여 환자의 꿈을 현실로 만들어 드립니다.
Our entire team shares love with the rest of the world, under the slogan ‘CHANGE LIMB, NEW DREAM.’ Even before we opened this hospital, we highlighted the importance of consistency and dedication in contributing to society. We are striving to make a warm, welcoming world.
We hope that our efforts through ‘CHANGE LIMB, NEW DREAM’ can be a ray of light to many people, we are doing our best at Donghoon Advanced Lengthening Reconstruction Institute to deliver our message around the world.
Joy A girl from Kenya With a rare disease
Thanks to the development of medicine and prenatal testing, incidence of congenital anomalies or rare diseases is relatively low in South Korea, at least in orthopedics.
There is an orthopedic disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. It is a genetic disorder with defects in collagen type 1, an important component of bone.
It is also known as ‘brittle bone disease’ because bone breaks so easily.
Children grow up in pain as their bones keep breaking, and eventually their bones bend. They visit the hospital with severe deformities.
Joy and two of her neighbors all had this disease, and were treated by me.
Here are some photographs of her before surgery, and right before discharge.
Last week, we got some exciting news from Kenya. Joy, who was not able to walk because of osteogenesis imperfecta, can now dance joyfully, just like her name.