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Dong Hoon Lee
Knock Knees (genu valgum)
Knock-knee is a condition in which, when the legs are straightened, the knees angle in and touch each other.
Its proper medical term is “genu valgum”. Valgus is a condition in which the bone is angled outward, away from the center of the body.
Rickets, skeletal dysplasia and other diseases and trauma are possible causes of bowlegs. Idiopathic knock-knee is also frequent in patients. Idiopathic genu valgum occurs more in men than in women and it appears more severe in obese patients.
Braces or physical therapy have no effect because bone deformity cannot be corrected without actually correcting the bone.
Knock-knee Correction with Surgical Approach
Analyzing the cause of the deformity is a very important part in treating knock-knee. While different cases may be similar in appearance, their underlying causes could be either tibia or femur deformity. During correction, the peroneal nerve can be pulled and this can cause nerve palsy. Physicians should pay special attention to this.
Donghoon Advanced Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Institute treats every knock-knee case with minimal invasion and minimal incision using internal fixation. In severe cases, the deformity can be corrected with external fixators.
Knock-knee Correction – Femur Deformity
Knock-knee Correction – Tibia Deformity
Knock-knee Correction – both Femur and Tibia deformity
Knock-knee Correction that Occurred after Lengthening