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Leg Lengthening with Deformity Correction
Dong Hoon Lee
At Donghoon Advanced Reconstruction Limb Lengthening Institute, we can correct every kind of deformity with lengthening.
Sometimes we simultaneously correct deformities (bow legs, knock-knees, rotational deformity, etc.) during lengthening. Surgical methods vary according to each deformity. In particular, knock-knees, rotational deformity or severe bow-legs correction with lengthening require in-depth knowledge and significant experience in reconstruction and limb lengthening. At Donghoon Advanced Reconstruction Limb Lengthening Institute, we can correct every kind of deformity with lengthening.
Leg Lengthening 7cm with bowlegs correction
Leg Lengthening with knock-knees correction
Stature Lengthening with Bowleg Correction
Stature Lengthening with Knock-knee Correction simultaneously using LATN – 6 cm lengthening
Stature Lengthening with Out-toeing gait Correction simultaneously using LON – 6 cm lengthening
Stature Lengthening of 7 cm with Bowleg Correction and Joint Deformity Correction simultaneously
Stature Lengthening with Genu recurvatum Correction using LATN – 6 cm lengthening
Leg Length Discrepancy and Knock-knee – treated by Tibia Lengthening and Deformity Correction simultaneously
Leg Length Discrepancy Knee joint line Deformity
Simultaneous treatment of Leg Length Discrepancy and Knock-knee
leg length discrepancy, bow leg, and genu recurvatum deformity- treated by tibial lengthening(LON) and correctional osteotomy