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PRECICE® (Nuvasive, USA) is an intramedullary lengthening nail approved by the FDA. This device is a fully implantable lengthening nail, without the need of Ilizarov
Dr. Donghoon Lee was the first in Asia to successfully perform lengthening using PRECICE and has the largest volume of cases performed by a single surgeon in Asia. Among these many cases, we have the best results in major complications such as a 0% rate of deep infection and a 0% rate of nonunion.
Femur lengthening using an intramedullary nail has advantages over external methods. When we fix the bone with an external fixator, it causes severe problems such as severe pain, joint motion disability, and pin infections since the pin passes through the muscle.
Since Dr. Donghoon Lee inserts PRECICE nail through small incisions (1.5-2cm), patients are less likely to experience these issues.
Femur 6.5cm with PRECICE
Femur 5cm with PRECICE
In the case of PRECICE tibia lengthening, connecting the fibula to the tibia in the ankle and knee joints is very important since there are no external pins. For best results, the location and direction of the fixing screw should be precisely determined. If tibiofibular transfixation is not done correctly in the ankle, it can lead to valgus deformity and this is a very serious issue. If tibiofibular transfixation is not proper in the proximal, it can cause contracture of the knee joint and premature consolidation of the fibula.
In PRECICE tibia lengthening, full weight bearing is not permitted, so stretching exercises to prevent ballerina’s foot (equinus) are limited. Thus, it is better to determine the length conservatively (we recommend less than 5cm, maximum 6cm). Internal lengthening provides more comfort and less scarring compared to external lengthening, but the surgeon’s experience and thorough understanding about the processes are essential to obtaining the best results.
Tibia + Femur TOTAL 8cm with PRECICE
Tibia 5cm with PRECICE
Tibia 5.5cm with PRECICE