이동훈연세정형외과는 팔, 다리의 길이/모양/기능을 개선하여 환자의 꿈을 현실로 만들어 드립니다.
Korea’s LLF (Limb Lengthening Forum) ‘KIKUSA Forum’
Ever since 2009 till present day, Dr. Donghoon Lee is personally managing Korea’s Limb Lengthening Forum called, ‘KIKUSA’ Forum on Naver, the top Korea’s portal site with more than 20,000 members. (https://cafe.naver.com/limblengthening)
Members ask general questions about limb lengthening and about their conditions. Moreover, they write their own experience of limb lengthening surgery and communicate with each other. This forum is Korea’s largest community in limb lengthening and deformity correction and it doesn’t simply end with people communicating on their own but Dr. Donghoon Lee has been and still is continuously answering and communicating with the forum members through on and off-line.