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Deep Infection
Dong Hoon Lee
Superficial infections, such as skin or subcutaneous infection, is commonly caused by suture and can be treated with oral antibiotics, in most cases.
However, deep infections, which occur in areas deeper than fascia, are more serious. If this occurs, treatment periods and costs increase dramatically. Infection prevention is very important.
Host-related factors such as smoking and diabetes (chronic diseases) can lead to deep infections. Non-smoking and glucose control are very important for prevention of infections.
However, the most important factors in preventing infection are the knowledge and experience of the medical team, who should strictly follow the rules of conduct in the OR (operation room), and ensure clean OR conditions.
Donghoon Advanced Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Institute
has an aseptic OR, applies US FED, Standard209D, and all staff members strictly follow infection prevention rules in the OR.
Our clinic provides safety from infection. Start with Donghoon Advanced Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Institute to ensure best results with no infection.