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Osteotomy for Arthritis
Dong Hoon Lee
Osteotomy - Arthritis
Osteotomy is a surgical operation. A bone is cut to correct and fix its alignment.
The advantage of this procedure is the ability to save the patient’s own joint without removing it. Total joint replacement operation involves the removal of all parts of the cartilage, even the healthy ones, and the insertion of an artificial joint. The goal of osteotomy is to shift the patient's body weight away from the damaged area to the other side of the knee, where the cartilage is still healthy. Because of this advantage, osteotomy is the most preferred approach for treating arthritis.
Osteotomy is particularly good for those who have arthritis along with bowlegs or knock-knees.
The procedure reduces pain and straightens the alignment. It can also delay the need for total joint replacement.
If a patient has bowlegs or knock-knees, osteotomy is the first option.
There are several things to consider before deciding on surgery.
Osteotomy involves cutting bone, changing its shape and fixing it. There are several things to consider before deciding on surgery.
Example 1 – Complication (increase of joint-line slope) of Improper Osteotomy is Corrected with Re-operation.
First, is it possible to analyze the accurate location of deformity? Can it be corrected regardless of location?
While two cases of deformity may have the same appearance, the actual location of the deformities may be different. Typically, bowlegs are in the tibia and knock-knees are in the femur, but this may not always be the case.
You should choose a physician who is able to analyze the underlying cause and treat it accurately. If an operation is done without a thorough understanding, it might lead to another deformity, even if the legs appear straight.
Second, is 3-dimensional correction possible?
With the right osteotomy operation, a patient’s legs can be completely renewed.
Directions of deformity are very diverse. Since joints have a 3-dimensional structure, analysis and operation plans should also be 3-dimensional.
Example 2 – Knock-knees (caused by femur and tibia complex deformity), Joint-line Slope Tilting and Patellofemoral Joint Problem Treated by 3D Osteotomy
Leg Correction Operation is Possible with Leaving Only a 2.5cm Small Scar.
Third, are minimal incision and minimally invasive osteotomy possible?
Minimal incision and minimally invasive techniques mean minimizing scarring and tissue damage. Why is it important? We can lower complication rates such as deep infection and nonunion by minimizing tissue damage.
Dr. Donghoon Lee is a globally recognized specialist with minimally invasive techniques. For the first time in the world, he developed less invasive plate osteosynthesis in medial opening-wedge High Tibial Osteotomy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4562938/
Fourth, does the physician have plenty of experience and reliable results, with professional osteotomy techniques?
Dr. Donghoon Lee is an osteotomy specialist and he has professionally performed not only HTO, but also various complex deformity correction operations.
He has treated thousands of cases with no medical accidents, deep infection or nonunion (femur and tibia). He can even treat arthritis caused by very severe deformities.