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Dr. Donghoon Lee of Donghoon Advanced Lengthening Reconstruction Institute is well known in academia. He has been invited to lecture at numerous conferences and has won many awards in the field of lengthening and reconstruction.
Click on the tabs below to find out about his academic activities.
Invited Paper - American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (2018)
Grand Prize - World Ortho Recon ILLRS and ASAMI Congress (2017)
Grand Prize - World Ortho Recon ILLRS and ASAMI Congress (2015)
Grand Prize - Kuntscher Society (2014)
Invited Paper - American Orthopedic Research Society (2014)
Invited Paper - American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (2014)
Invited Paper - Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Society (2014)
Grand Prize - Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Society (2013)
Invited Paper - Limb Lengthening Reconstruction Society (2013)